Fake Fallout Trademark Applications….


Fake Fallout Trademark Applications

Nicely Played Gary, Indiana. Nicely Played

So, to prove that point that it’s very easy to fake an EUTM, two people have today filed fake Fallout Trademark Applications.

Point taken.

Fake Fallout Trademark Applications

This all comes from THIS post I did the other day, and it certainly does look more and more like a hoax with every passing day the money isn’t paid.

Incidentally, there was actually a genuine “Gangstar New Orleans” trademark application filed in June 2016, so even if the Fallout New Orleans trademark is legit, it’s unlikely it would be granted now anyway:

gangstar new orleans trademark


About the author 

Brian Conroy

I am a Trademark, Corporate and Commercial Litigation Solicitor with a background in the media industry. I specialise in Data Protection, Media, and Intellectual Property Law, both contentious and non-contentious. I trained with McCann FitzGerald in Dublin, and spent 13 years working within the Denis O'Brien owned Communicorp Group of radio stations. For further information or to arrange a consultation or call back phone Leman Solicitors on 01 6393000

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