Trademark Ireland – Speedpin, Aldi Jammies and Pardon my French Trademark Applications


Trademark Ireland Aldi Jammies appliction

Trademark Ireland

Here’s the most recent Irish Trademark applications filed with the Irish Patents office – These have now to be examined as to whether there are any absolute or relative grounds for refusal under the Trade Mark Act 1996 before being published (if there is no such grounds) in the patents office journal:

The Michael Higgins registering Speedpin isn’t the President. I checked. Shame.

Also Aldi have registered ‘Jammies’ for gluten free cakes. I’m expecting some sort of gluten free Jammie Dodger!

Trademark Number Trademark Device Date of Application / Registration Status Applicant / Proprietor Goods & Services Classes
2016/01080 Pancrevet 19/05/2016 Pending
Cf Pharma Ltd
2016/01068 BARBICAN Data Protection Services 23/05/2016 Pending
Barbican Data Protection Services Ltd
2016/01069 SPEEDPIN 24/05/2016 Pending
Michael Higgins
2016/01070 Digital Media Center 24/05/2016 Pending
James Vizor
2016/01071 C-Guard Lamb Booster 24/05/2016 Pending
Inform Nutrition Ireland Ltd
2016/01072 Remedy … 24/05/2016 Pending
Richard Mc Donagh
44, 45
2016/01073 PRESTIGE PURECOOK 24/05/2016 Pending
Meyer Intellectual Properties Limited
7, 8, 11, 21
2016/01074 PRESTIGE SAFECOOK 24/05/2016 Pending
Meyer Intellectual Properties Limited
7, 8, 11, 21
2016/01075 JAMMIES 24/05/2016 Pending
Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited
2016/01076 DESSERT MENU 24/05/2016 Pending
Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited
29, 30
Trademark Number Trademark Device Date of Application / Registration Status Applicant / Proprietor Goods & Services Classes
2016/01077 Chi Business 24/05/2016 Pending
Emer Carr
35, 41
2016/01078 Pardon My French 24/05/2016 Pending
2016/01079 like a dream 24/05/2016 Pending
Madeleine Maria Weber

About the author 

Brian Conroy

I am a Trademark, Corporate and Commercial Litigation Solicitor with a background in the media industry. I specialise in Data Protection, Media, and Intellectual Property Law, both contentious and non-contentious. I trained with McCann FitzGerald in Dublin, and spent 13 years working within the Denis O'Brien owned Communicorp Group of radio stations. For further information or to arrange a consultation or call back phone Leman Solicitors on 01 6393000

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