Without further ado (there was some ado earlier, in case you missed it), here’s today’s Interesting IP:
- Donald Trump Trade Marks (Lady and the Trump is my favourite) – http://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/Blog/detail.aspx?g=f75c6504-45a4-4ed6-942b-a338bfc1e2b6
- Al porter v. David Norris – This is the first I’ve heard about this, but apparently Senator Norris is suing him for Defamation – A defence has now been entered – http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/courts/comedian-al-porter-to-defend-defamation-action-taken-by-senator-david-norris-31507845.html
- Is ‘Tiffany’ a generic term for a ring? Nope, not so much! This is a really important decision to ensure Tiffany doesn’t go the way of Hoover and JCB. This whole aread is worth a separate blog post. Consider that in my diary!-Â https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/tiffany-triumphs-over-costco-trademark-214100639.html
- A big bru-ha-ha over Marcel Duchamp’s Chess Set (actually more interesting than it sounds, promise) –Â http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2015/09/the-international-fight-over-marcel-duchamps-chess-set/404248/
- Londeners have no rights over the design of their new Routemaster busses…..riiiiiiite (subscription required)-Â http://www.intellectualpropertymagazine.com/design/tfl-does-not-own-new-routemaster-bus-design-111316.htm
- Protecting Athletes Data – UK Database Rights (free subscription required) –Â http://www.lawinsport.com/articles/item/protecting-athletes-data-an-examination-of-database-rights-in-the-uk-and-eu
- Text and Data Mining –Â http://kluwercopyrightblog.com/2015/09/07/blogpoll-towards-a-text-data-mining-exception-in-eu-copyright-law/
More tomorrow at lunchtime