Norton Rose Fulbright Ireland or Irish Office??


Norton Rose Fulbright Ireland

Norton Rose Fulbright Ireland

Are global law firm Norton Rose Fulbright thinking about opening and Irish Office, one (me) wonders?

Here’s a Trademark Application filed with the Irish Patents office on Monday that’s quite interesting…

Norton Rose Fulbright Irish Office Trademark Application

Leaving aside the irony of Norton Rose Fulbright using MacLachlan & Donaldson to apply for the trademark to start with, why would they be applying for such a trademark?

Well, the honest answer is I don’t know.

The same company (NRF IP Services Limited) already have an EUTM for Norton Rose Fulbright for the identical service (Class 45. Legal Services). Here it is in fact:

Norton Rose Fulbright EUTM Details

Clearly, that EUTM also covers Ireland, making the Irish trademark application arguably redundant.

Anyway, in the interests of wild speculation, given that we now live in a Post Brexit world and where several UK Law firms are rumoured to be coming to Ireland, opening Irish offices and branches, or at least registering their solicitors here, and things might start to fall into place (equally, they may not)

See this Financial Times Article –

and this Irish Times Article on the same issue –

Norton Rose clearly have an interest in Brexit (who doesn’t, right) and have registered (incidentally, check out my own website, and I will have coming soon)


Here’s a list of the Norton Rose Fulbright trademarks worldwide while we’re at it sure:

Norton Rose Fulbright Trademarks Globally Norton Rose Fulbright TM applications


So, there you have it, an Irish Trademark Application for Norton Rose Fulbright. Something, or nothing??


About the author 

Brian Conroy

I am a Trademark, Corporate and Commercial Litigation Solicitor with a background in the media industry. I specialise in Data Protection, Media, and Intellectual Property Law, both contentious and non-contentious. I trained with McCann FitzGerald in Dublin, and spent 13 years working within the Denis O'Brien owned Communicorp Group of radio stations. For further information or to arrange a consultation or call back phone Leman Solicitors on 01 6393000

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