EU Trademarks – Rockstar Whiteout, Pokefit & the VeggiBullet



It looks like Energy Drinks maker ‘Rockstar’ must have a new brand/flavour coming soon. See the below EU trademarks application for ‘Whiteout’, which as best I can make out is not currently one of their brands or flavours:

Rockstar Whiteout


Trying to get in on the Pokemon Go craze (I still haven’t downloaded it) is this crowd with their EUTM application for Pokefit (likely to be objected to)


Speaking of ‘Likely to be objected to’, I can’t see ‘Brucks Fizz’ seeing the light of day without Bucks Fizz being given a few bob:

Brucks Fizz Trademark Application


A new brand from Skechers on the way? “You By Skechers” is the latest EU Trademark they have applied for:


You By Sketchers


This is obviously aimed ay a certain section of the wine buying public, you know, the kind that would buy something just because of a loose assocation with barman. Me basically. The Dark Knight wine anybody?

The Dark Knight Wines


One of the Diageo brands have a new strapline coming! Shall we? What do you reckon that’s for? I’m putting my money on Smirnoff “Smirnoff…shall we?” – Maybe.
Diageo Shall We


And just because I’m a child:

Shit Trademark Application


Finally I spotted this trademark application for “Veggie Bullet” and immediately thought “Nutri Bullet” aren’t going to be happy about this. But actually it’s the same company that has applied for this:

Veggie Bullet

So we might have a new brand of Nutri Bullet any time soon

Also, FYI, here’s the list of trademarks that company owns, and also its registered designs at an EU level. Quite interesting (well, to me anyway)

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About the author 

Brian Conroy

I am a Trademark, Corporate and Commercial Litigation Solicitor with a background in the media industry. I specialise in Data Protection, Media, and Intellectual Property Law, both contentious and non-contentious. I trained with McCann FitzGerald in Dublin, and spent 13 years working within the Denis O'Brien owned Communicorp Group of radio stations. For further information or to arrange a consultation or call back phone Leman Solicitors on 01 6393000

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