This was announced earlier this year. It’s a thing, and if you don’t believe me, see the Trade Mark application filed yesterday:
Also, there’s two new Ghostbusters movies on the cards, the girl one and the original cast one! So who you gonna call?? Your local Trade Mark Agent to register your Ghostbuster Trade Marks
If you’re a particularly county proud smoker, then I believe I’ve just found the tobacco for you my friend!
Swizzels Matlow have been registering some old skool sweets as Trade Marks. I’m instantly pining for a double lolly!
‘Snowfall’ has been registered by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation – ALWAYS gets my attention. I’ve done some googling, and it looks like a series on FX written and directed by the director of Boyz in the Hood (after which I insisted picking up our house phone and answering ‘who dis’ every time it rang) – Pilot is already shot apparently, so coming soon!
‘Tis the season and all of that! This company has a trade mark for Jingle Bells for Christmas Decorations and what not. Pretty neat.
Calling all gamers. This is a big release coming in 2016 to Europe on PS4 – It’s called something else over in the east, but it’s going to be called ‘Nights of Azure’ in Europe, that’s official now!
I just thought this was a great play on executioner for an insect repellant!
Any Harrys out there? This one is for you. Be a Harry. Don’t be any old Tom or Dick
A great play on ‘Air Force One’ and, I suspect, an indication of the strength of the ale concerned. Headshrinker Ale Force One
Adidas are bringing out a runner just for Jeremy Clarkson it seems. Adidas Fracas